Google Ads Service Puerto Rico

Google Ads Service Puerto Rico which help your business grow online and offline.

Google Ads Service Puerto Rico

Sometimes you need to invest a little to get the traffic that you deserve

Our Google Ads Service Puerto Rico help local businesses invest in online ads so that they can grow their volume.

We create effective Google Ads campaigns that help your business drive traffic to your website, or physical Location

Our Google Ads Service Puerto Rico is the most effective way to grow your business.  The more you invest, the more your business will grow.

Why you should invest in Google Ads

if your goal is to grow your website traffic, or direction requests to your business, Google Ads is the best tool that you can use.

Here are a few reasons why you should invest in Google Ads:

  • Highly effective tool to drive traffic to meet your goals
  • No minimum investment required. You will set a daily budget, and you will receive a monthly invoice.  But of course, the higher the budget, the more visibility you will receive.
  • Very measurable results
  • Flexible Ad types
  • Target your specific customers
  • Visually represent your business online
  • Appear on the top of Google Maps for your business category

Google Ads is an advertising platform created by Google that lets businesses purchase ad space on websites and Google search results.

Google Ads is billed by CPC (cost per click).  In another words, you only get charged when someone clicks on your link.

As a business, you will set a daily amount to invest in your Ads.  At the end of the month, you will receive an invoice for your total CPC amount.

But of course,  the higher your daily spending budget is, the more Google will place you in the position to get more clicks.

Google has various types of Ad Campaigns.

The most popular are:

  • Search Ads
  • Display Ads
  • Local Business Ads

Search Ads appear at the top of Search results.  These are based on specific keywords that you establish when creating the ad.  For example, if you want to rank at the top of search results when someone searches “Mexican Restaurant”, you will use the keyword “Mexican Restaurant” in your ad campaign. 

Display Ads are visual ads that appear in the form of banners, videos, and photos on websites that permit Google to advertise with them.  These are my favorite, and they attract the most attention because they are more visual and follow the web visitor across various websites.

Local Business Ads are ads that you create for your brick-and-mortar business which appear in Google maps and search results.  These are great for businesses that. Want to attract customers looking for “near me” suggestions.

Don't limit your business to organic traffic if you need to grow fast

Although Island Dwellers PR a local SEO agency which focuses on helping local businesses grow by optimizing their Google profile to gain organic traffic, we always recommend Google ads to boost their business.

Google Ads Will help your business tower over your competition.

Want to know more about Google Ads Service Puerto Rico?

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